Launching a clothing brand, the end of chapter 1

From the get go, chapter 1 was always going to be a series of 4 collaborations 

Average Joes
Rich Got Jacked
Entertainment World
New Era Coffee

The idea was to build up a brand within the local area and really get people talking and taking an interest in RUUD, new businesses and people that they may not have previously seen or been fortunate to cross paths with. This went phenomanally well, helping RUUD grow from a concept into something poeople talked about all the while giving an incite into other peoples dreams along the way.

For the final top of this chapter, I really wanted to create a bit of a buzz and try something new. With the help of New Era who kindly let me use their space, we did just that by hosting an exclusive party of 40 people for the premier viewing of the New Era story alongside good music, a bit of gaming and prerelease top sales. WOW. It's something special being able to see everybodies reaction to work that you've poured months of time into. It's a humbling experience that i'm really proud we all got to share together and in all honesty, left me wanting more moments like that.Chasing the dragon. Having everybody in the same space for a shared moment really brings home this idea of unity that RUUD is building as a brand. We were able to bring in Joe (Average Joes), Ricky (Rich Got Jacked) and Rob (Entertainment World) from all previous collaborations which was nice as it underlined what it was they're now part of. Even better was the fact that Ricky and Jack (Akehurst) mixed the music for the night whilst Rob supplied the retro gaming. It really was an umberella for chapter 1. 

Ultimately the success of the night was backed by the top (RWANDA) becoming the fastest selling RUUD top to date with an entire online sellout in under 48 hours. Nothing is being taken for granted though, this is a great bit of what I plan to be a long history in the RUUD story. Work is underway on the first top of Chapter 2. Our most ambitious top, video and marketing to date as we embark on a journey of exploration for Birmingham. It's fun, it's unique, it's inspiring and without a shadow of doubt, it's addictive. 

When we all work together, we go up together. 

Born in Brum

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